Tag Archives: sex specialist in Delhi

libido disorder

Libido – Disorders, Reduction, Elevation, Ways To Stimulate

Libido keeps many people awake at night. Is it not disturbed by any chance? What to do to change its level? What factors can influence libido? You will find the answers to all these questions below.

What is libido?

Libido is otherwise known as sex drive. This term was first introduced by Sigmund Freud, who used it to describe life energy understood as sexual energy. Today, in the popular sense, this term is simply a mental sexual arousal aimed at satisfying the body’s needs.

Factors influencing libido

Many myths have arisen about the factors influencing libido. Instead of buying “magic drugs” from the internet, it’s better to find out what actually drives our sex drive. This knowledge will avoid a lot of frustration.

Libido is primarily controlled by endogenous factors. Its regulation takes place mainly in the mesolimbic domapinergic pathway. This means that libido is regulated by the presence of substances in the body such as dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine, noradrenaline, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone or oxytocin. In other words – libido is in many cases pure chemistry.

In women, libido is closely related to the menstrual cycle. Women experience the greatest sex drive a few days before ovulation, which is when they are most fertile. It is also natural to reduce libido as a result of menopause, because the level of estrogen in a woman’s body drops drastically.

Psychological and social factors are also important. Childhood trauma can cause permanent libido disorders. However, it should be remembered that depression or even short-term stress can also result in the loss of sex drive.

Lifestyle also has a huge impact on libido. Research shows that low physical activity, alcohol consumption and smoking significantly reduce libido. Some pharmaceuticals, including hormonal contraception, have a similar effect. Some diseases, such as anemia, can also cause a decrease in libido.

Libido disorders

Libido disorders can manifest themselves in both increased and decreased sex drive. In the first case, we are talking about hypersexuality (nymphomania and satirism), and in the second – about hypolibidemia. These disorders are difficult to diagnose because libido standards cannot be clearly defined.

How to increase libido?

If we have the impression that our libido is unnaturally low, sexologist in Delhi recommend finding the cause of this condition first. Lowered libido is often the result of stress, exhaustion and insufficient sleep. If you take care of these factors, eliminate stimulants, take care of a proper diet and physical activity. Also check that the drugs you are taking do not lower your libido. If, despite these efforts, the drive does not change, it is worth consulting a sex specialist in Delhi to look for the cause in the body. You may be suffering from a hormonal imbalance, anemia, or some other illness.

erectile dysfunction treatment in Delhi

6 Myths And Truths About Sexual Impotence

Sexual impotence is a very controversial issue in the male universe, as a man’s masculinity is often linked to his sexual organ. These are matters that should be discussed, explained and, whenever possible, deconstructed. This taboo can cause health and emotional problems that affect the quality of life.

Also called erectile dysfunction, the problem affects more than 70% of the male population over 50 years old. But this condition can also develop in younger men.

To find out more about this topic and what issues are involved around it, discover the myths and truths about sexual impotence.

What is sexual impotence?

Sexual impotence is characterized by the difficulty of maintaining an erection during sexual intercourse or even difficulty in achieving an erection even before intercourse.

Myths vs. truths

Can erectile dysfunction be caused by stress or emotional problems?

TRUTH. Technically, the brain needs to send signals to the body, more specifically, it needs to release nitric oxide, which is responsible for dilating the blood vessels that reach the penis.

When the vessels dilate, a large concentration of blood arrives and with that, the erection happens. When the person is stressed, anxious or nervous, this mechanism may not work.

When a man does not have a full erection it is already characterized as impotence.

TRUTH: Sexual impotence has several levels and degrees. At the lightest level, the man is able to penetrate and have sexual intercourse in a normal way but feels that the penis is not at its full rigidity.

Already in moderate to severe degrees, the man has difficulty maintaining his erection and also penetrating during sexual intercourse.

Over time, the milder condition may develop to moderate and severe. Therefore, medical help should always be sought at the slightest sign of sexual impotence, suggests sexologist in Delhi.

Diabetes increases the risk of erectile dysfunction.

TRUTH: Men with diabetes, for the most part, also have some degree of erectile dysfunction. That’s because diabetes is a disease that causes large amounts of sugar in the blood, hindering blood flow to the penis.

It is not a rule, but the chances are great.

The man failed once: ready, he already has erectile dysfunction.

MYTH: As already mentioned, sexual impotence can have a psychological origin and, if this issue is addressed, it is unlikely that the man will have problems again until he reaches old age.

Taking hormones can be a solution to erectile dysfunction.

MYTH: Testosterone is not directly linked to the problem of erectile dysfunction. Many men use hormones thinking that this will solve the problem. It is a great myth. It does not solve it, and it can complicate life even more, as it is a load of hormones that your body does not need.

Vasectomy can cause sexual impotence.

MYTH: Vasectomy surgery prevents the path that sperm takes to exit the penis. It has nothing to do with erectile dysfunction.

Want to know more? I am available to answer any questions you may have and I will be very happy to answer your comments on this matter. Read other articles and learn more about my work as a sex specialist in Delhi!

sexologist in delhi

How do pleasure and orgasms strengthen defenses?

Studies found that pleasure and orgasms strengthen defenses because they increase antibodies by up to 30%.

Sex is one of the most pleasurable activities that exist, and a new study found that in addition to making us feel good, pleasure and orgasms strengthen the defenses, naturally protecting against viruses and bacteria.

Learn why sex could be the best way to stay healthy.

Pleasure and orgasms strengthen defenses

The defenses, known in medicine as the immune system, form a complex network of cells, tissues, and organs that work as a team to defend ourselves against germs, viruses, and bacteria that cause disease.

According to the US National Library of Medicine, defenses help our bodies recognize “invaders” and keep them out of our bodies.

When we have weak defenses, we are more likely to develop the disease.

New research from the University-Barren, in the United States, found that those who had frequent sex have a much stronger immune system, compared to those who have fewer sexual encounters per week.

So instead of taking vitamin C, a better way to have a strong immune system is to have sex.

But why do pleasure and orgasms strengthen defenses?

The study found that people who had sex once or twice a week have up to 30% higher levels of immunoglobulin A, an important type of antibody that activates the immune system to attack viruses and bacteria.

The immunoglobulin A is the first line of defines of the body against u virus, so have a higher concentration of this helps prevent this contagious disease or at the least, lessen your symptoms.

Scientists believe that this very positive effect of sex comes from the exchange of fluids that bring different types of antigens, which make the immune system work and produce more immunoglobulin A.

But not only does it protect us from a simple cold, but pleasure and orgasms also help prevent the appearance of diseases such as prostate cancer or heart disease.

In this regard, the best sexologist in Delhi indicates that immunoglobulin levels rise during sex, which protects from infections and favors greater resistance to diseases.

How much sex do you have to get these benefits?

You do not need to act every day, as studies suggest having frequent sex (three times a week) is enough, it’s enough to have higher immunoglobulin levels.

Excessive sex is not recommended to strengthen defenses since the same research found that people who have sex more than three times a week, showed lower immunoglobulin levels than people who did not have sexual activity.

The pleasure and orgasms strengthen the defenses, but do not forget to protect yourself from STDs, so follow all recommendations of safe sex, i.e. use condoms in all relationships, urinating after sex and make constant checks.

top sexologist in Delhi

Do you have erection difficulties? Problem is heart disease alert

In addition to affecting a man’s self-esteem and mental health, erection problems can be an indicator that something is not right with his heart. According to sexologist in Delhi, individuals with erectile dysfunction are twice as likely to have heart problems.

What is the connection of the penis to the heart?

Erection is a vascular process and depends on the proper functioning of the heart. “For it to occur, there is the filling of small blood vessels that form the cavernous bodies of the penis”, explains cardiologist. Therefore, many factors associated with artery and heart problems can also cause sexual dysfunction.

Among the most common conditions that can both affect your erection and lead to cardiovascular disease are:

  • Hyperlipidemia (excess of fat particles in the blood);
  • Atherosclerosis (stiffening of the arteries due to the accumulation of plaques);
  • High blood pressure;
  • Diabetes;
  • Smoking.

In addition, problems such as high stress, anxiety, and depression can favor both problems.

Penis problems come before

Erectile dysfunction usually appears before heart problems. One explanation is that the arteries in the penis are thinner than those in the heart and, therefore, are affected first. “Studies show that erectile dysfunction can set in up to five years before a coronary artery problem,” says Sidney Glina, a urologist at Albert Einstein Hospital.

For the same reason, erectile dysfunction also indicates the risk of obstruction of other arteries in the body. “There may be an obstruction of the ones that irrigate the legs, causing peripheral arterial insufficiency”, warns best sexologist in Delhi.

How to prevent  Maintaining good habits is essential to ensure that your heart and penis work at full throttle. The main recommendations to avoid these problems – and several other diseases – are:

  • Avoid overweight;
  • Do physical activity regularly;
  • Control blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose;
  • Have healthy eating habits;
  • Quitting addictions like smoking;
  • Moderate alcohol consumption;
  • Reduce stress.

“It is also very important that men allow themselves to be evaluated periodically (at least once a year) by a doctor they trust”, says cardiologist. This is because both the diagnosis of erectile dysfunction and that of cardiovascular disease can be made from periodic medical evaluations, even if there are still no symptoms.


Normally, sexologist doctor in Delhi deals with erectile dysfunction and cardiology deals with cardiovascular problems. But there must be an integration between professionals. “If the treatments are not done together, when trying to solve one problem, you can further complicate the other,” warns sex specialist in Delhi.

In order not to put your heart at risk, identifying the cause of erectile dysfunction is very important. “There are very specific tests that seek to identify the type and degree of impairment, which are also used to assess the response to the type of medication that can be used,” says sexologist in Delhi.

Even if the problems of erectile dysfunction are controlled, the man cannot help looking for a cardiologist. “The risk factors may continue to exist. Solving one problem does not mean that the other will not occur,” says sexologist in Delhi.

Care in treatment

When there are both cardiovascular problems and sexual dysfunction, the risks, and benefits of each medication are evaluated with special attention. And, if there are a need and possibility, medications that have more interaction are exchanged.

“Some erection pills (type 5 phosphodiesterase inhibitors), which are the most used treatment for erectile dysfunction, are contraindicated for use in conjunction with nitrate-based drugs,” explains sexologist in Delhi.

That’s because nitrate-based cardiac medications are potent vasodilators and when added to the dilating effects of the erection pills can cause hypotension (drop in pressure), leading to low blood flow to the heart and brain – and causing fainting, malaise.

sexual desire

What to do when you no longer feel in tune with your libido?

It is well known, desire, it goes, it comes … Because there are evenings when our libido is not there. Between everyday life, family life, work, and responsibilities, once in bed, the biggest desire that lives in us is generally that of sleeping. Sex would be the cement of the couple. But what about men and women who no longer have libido? Or too much?

Conversely, for others, it is their excessive sexual appetite that is a problem. Without speaking of sexual dependence, these lovers of desire have a very active libido, difficult to assume in a life of couple well installed.

Whether it is a loss of desire or, on the contrary, an excessive sexual desire, being in tune with your libido again is rarely obvious.

Sexual desire: how to save your libido? 

Some claim that infidelity is an effective solution to boost your libido and boost your sexual desire. Or at least jealousy. Indeed, some women, who no longer felt any sexual desire for their companion, saw overnight their desire to increase tenfold for their man, just because he was being hit on by another woman. Likewise, women who thought they had lost all of their libidos suddenly feel like they are growing wings with their lover, for whom sexual desire is widely available. Because often, it is the problems in the couple that are the cause of the loss of libido.

Couple therapy or a sex specialist in Delhi can then help the couple solve their sexual problems. If the problem is only superficial, the use of aphrodisiacs, sex toys, or the introduction of new sexual practices is sometimes enough to revive sexual desire.

All equal in the face of desire

But it also happens that the loss of libido can only be explained by personal problems, linked to the person’s past or present. Trauma, stress, or even fatigue, the loss of sexual desire must then be understood to be resolved. Psychotherapy can then be considered by the person concerned.

Other people claim to have never felt a real sexual desire. Qualified as asexual, they do not plan to remain single and seek romantic relationships without sexuality. For them, it is not a sexual disorder but a sexual orientation, just like heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality. Of dating sites specialize in asexuality have also emerged in recent years.


The 7 Most Effective Natural Aphrodisiac Foods

The aphrodisiac properties of certain natural products are often discussed, particularly in relation to foods such as chocolate or strawberries. However, the term is somewhat ambiguous since the processes by which different substances can influence libido are very variable, and sometimes associated with placebo.

Next, the sexologist in Delhi will explain what factors make food aphrodisiac and show what are some of the most potent aphrodisiac foods in the worldSex specialist in Delhi will also explain their culinary use and how they can be added to the dishes.

What makes a food aphrodisiac?

The term “aphrodisiac” comes from Greek mythology, specifically the name that was used to refer to the goddess of love, Aphrodite – who would later be Venus for the Romans. Hence, aphrodisiac foods are understood as those that have properties that contribute to increasing sexual desire and libido.

Natural aphrodisiac foods, therefore, are those that due to their smell, taste or the nutrients they contain make people more predisposed to carry out sexual behaviors because of an increase in desire and “attraction “, explains sexologist in Delhi.

Even so, studies conducted to verify the sexual potential of certain foods do not lead to a clear answer; in fact, several investigations allude to the fact that a placebo effect occurs with aphrodisiac foods.

For whatever reason, it is clear that there are foods that manage to facilitate or give rise to enliven the sexual desire of people (at least some), says sexologist in Delhi.

Types of food in this class

There are different types of aphrodisiac foods depending on the attribution made to this “exciting function”; In this way, a food can be an aphrodisiac because it contains a specific substance, due to its similarity to sexual organs, by stimulation of other routes that promote attraction or by the cultural history of each specific population.

1. Central action aphrodisiacs

Foods that are classified in this group contain some substance, usually a hormone, that exerts a disinhibitory effect on the body.

These effects are related to an increase in dopamine or testosterone, as well as MSH (melanocyte-stimulating hormone).

2. Aphrodisiacs by association

As previously mentioned, these foods have forms similar to male or female sexual organs, which facilitates their association with sexual practice.

The phallic shape of bananas or the rounded shape of apples or pears makes many people associate them with male and female body shapes, respectively.

3. Aphrodisiacs by excitation of other pathways

Smell, touch or taste are other senses that can be stimulated and can lead to an increase in sexual desire.

A fragrance with a good smell or brushing the back with a pen causes the senses to be activated and the libido to increase, increasing the desire for the other person.

4. Cultural aphrodisiacs

Depending on the culture in which each individual develops, diverse information is acquired about what are the foods that “mythologically” have adopted the characteristic of aphrodisiac without actually being so from an objective point of view.

Some of these are seafood or ginseng that, although they may have beneficial properties and nutrients for the body, do not contain enough or necessary to be classified as centrally acting aphrodisiacs.

The 7 most used aphrodisiac foods

Taking into account the previous classification, the sexologist in Delhi is going to show you what are the aphrodisiac foods that are most used in Western culture and what use we can give them to enhance sexual desire and make, thanks to dinner, the night is incredible.

1. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is one of the aphrodisiac aromas par excellence. Its sweet smell along with that special point that characterizes it makes it widely used both at the culinary level and in the development of cosmetics. However, ingesting it also has benefits for the body.

It seems that cinnamon stimulates blood flow, which translates into more intense and satisfying excitement. It can be consumed both in tea and added in pastries or in currently popular spirits, such as “Fireball”.

2. The chocolate

This is another food with a long tradition as an aphrodisiac and even as a substitute for sex. Its flavor, its smell and the properties that cocoa brings to the body making it ideal to accompany a romantic dinner.

Cocoa contains phenylethylamine, a substance that helps in the production of dopamine and the release of endorphins, thus providing well-being and energy to the body. All this contributes to greater excitement and an increase in sexual desire and a decrease in stress.

3. Almonds

Traditionally it has been said that almonds are a natural aphrodisiac for women as they promote fertility and give energy given its high content of nutrients beneficial to the body.

Most nuts contain high levels of arginine and vitamin B3; its intake makes the circulation more fluid due to the dilation of the blood vessels, which promotes the excitation and erection of the male sexual member.

4. The maca

It is a plant native to Peru used as a natural aphrodisiac since ancient times.

Given the variety of nutrients, it provides to the body, maca is not only used as an aphrodisiac but also to protect higher cognitive functions. In this way, it acts by helping to secrete sex hormones that make the excitement of those who take it possibly.

5. Strawberries

Strawberries, in addition to being an excellent fruit, are very appealing both visually and tastefully. They contain high amounts of vitamin C and provide potassium and magnesium, substances that intervene in sexual desire and promote libido.

6. Bananas

The suggestive form of bananas, reminiscent of the erect male sexual organ, as well as its sweet taste and the high potassium content it brings to the body, make bananas an extremely sexual fruit, which can help with chocolate to pass an unforgettable night of pleasure.

7. Oysters

Oysters are reminiscent of Aphrodite, and they are one of the seafood that brings the most zinc to the body. Zinc helps the human body to produce testosterone, a hormone closely related to sexual desire, so its consumption is helpful in increasing sexual appetite.

In addition, culturally oyster consumption is related to ostentation and power, which for some people is even more exciting. A plate of oysters accompanied by a good wine can be key to spend a most romantic night.


How to have a stronger and longer orgasm: breathing is the secret

Studies show that breathing properly can reduce anxiety and stress levels in the body, positively influence sleep and even contribute to lower blood pressure. But the benefits don’t stop there: pulling and releasing the air correctly makes pleasure easier, making female and male orgasms longer and stronger. The idea is espoused mainly by sex specialist in Delhi. Professionals then teach you how to develop more conscious breathing in everyday life and apply the technique in moments:

Pull and release

“Breathing is responsible for the flow of energy in the body. It brings presence, relaxation, and movement. If we don’t do it the right way, our vitality is low,” explains Dr. P K Gupta, a sexologist in Delhi. When we are stressed or anxious, breathing tends to become shorter and faster. In this way, air reaches the lungs, but not the diaphragm. When the same happens during sex, it makes the pleasure more difficult. “The wrong way to pull airlocks the cycle that leads to orgasm, ” he says. Start training before “The ideal is to breathe consciously before, during and after intercourse,” says sexologist doctor in Delhi.

Start training before

“The ideal is to breathe consciously before, during and after intercourse,” says the best sexologist in Delhi. She points to a simple way to get started on her own: “Pull the air for seven seconds and release it through both nostrils. This already helps in activating the five senses that are essential for sexual involvement,” he teaches. Dr. P K Gupta also has tips for beginners: “Lie on an exercise mat and bend your legs. Leave your hips firmly on the floor and your feet together. Relax your arms, shoulders, neck, and head. Then join knee to knee. and contract one thigh into the other. Do this for at least five minutes. During that time, take long breaths and then let the air out of your throat, “he teaches.

The second part of the exercise is designed to discover the vibration points of the body. “Slowly spread your bent legs. You will feel some parts quiver as if they were muscle spasms. Allow them to come and go alone, watching the sensation. Gradually the vibrations will happen not only in the abdomen but also in the head. and elsewhere, “he says. The idea is to prepare the body to expand the sensations, using breathing as a basis.

“This way, during sex, the person can focus the energy not only on the genitals but on the whole body,” he details. According to the sex doctor in Delhi, this expands the orgasmic sensation. “So pleasure comes slowly. So it comes intensely and lasts longer,” sexologist concludes.

Breathtaking sex?

In fact, ideally, instead of taking your breath away from each other, the couple gets plenty of air even during orgasm. To increase female pleasure in sexual intercourse, the doctor’s tip is to interleave pompous exercises (contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles) with breathing. “A tip during intercourse is to let out all the air and leave your lungs empty for a moment.

Meanwhile, contract your buttocks and thighs tightly. Then relax and breathe normally, feeling the pleasures of your whole body. And when the orgasm arrives, the idea is to release all the energy along with the air. “Instead of breathing quickly, taking long breaths in and out helps prolong sensation,” he says.


Low Testosterone, Symptoms And Consequences

Testosterone is an essential male hormone since it plays a fundamental role in health and well-being. What happens when your levels are low? How can we detect it? Our expert sexologist in Delhi explains it to you.

Testosterone, produced in the testicles, defines male characters, such as the severity of the voice, hair, musculature or sexual capacity.   But, beyond these hallmarks, it intervenes in many other organic processes of man, such as:

  • Increase bone density.
  • It helps the liver produce enzymes and synthesize proteins.
  • Improves fat metabolism.
  • It improves memory and concentration.
  • It favors a good mood.

The decrease in testosterone levels

As when puberty arrives, testosterone levels soar, thus favoring the development of man; from the age of 30, their levels decrease by around 1% each year, being even more noticeable after the age of 50. This gradual decrease should not cause health problems since it is a natural aging process, but it will all depend on the amount of hormone that man has.

When testosterone levels are low, and these are associated with certain symptoms or diseases, we would talk about the appearance of testosterone deficit syndrome, which has among its main causes insufficient production of testosterone by the testicles, or the inactivation of testosterone circulating in the blood. It affects 10% of men at age 50, and 30% of men over 75 years.

low libido

In addition to it, a low level of testosterone may also be caused by:

  • An injury or infection in the testicles.
  • Oncological treatments
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Genetic disorders
  • Steroid use
  • Obesity
  • Hepatic or renal diseases.

Symptoms of low testosterone

Testosterone, as with estrogen in women, has a protective effect on men, balancing many of the body’s functions.

Symptoms of a low testosterone level include the following:

  • Decrease or lack of sexual desire.
  • Difficulty achieving an erection.
  • Increase of tiredness and fatigue.
  • Irritability, depression.
  • A decrease in muscle mass.
  • Loss of facial, body and pubic hair.
  • Increase in breast tissue.
  • Concentration or memory problems.
  • Insulin Resistance
  • Loss of bone density.
  • Cardiovascular disorders

These symptoms may be associated with the testosterone deficit syndrome, but it can also be caused by other causes or by a simple aging process. Therefore, before the appearance of any of them, it is necessary to consult a sex specialist in Delhi.

Treat low testosterone levels

Once the cause of the decrease in testosterone is confirmed, various treatments with hormonal supplementation that seek to correct this deficiency can be offered. Likewise, other lifestyle measures must be taken, such as controlling obesity through healthy eating, having a good rest and exercising moderately.

At Dr. P K Gupta’s Clinic, Dr. P K Gupta is a specialized sexologist doctor in Delhi who can help you. For any questions or request for an appointment, do not hesitate to contact us.

erectile dysfunction treatment in Delhi

When erectile dysfunction affects young men

It is associated with older men, but what can those who suffer it in the ‘flower’ of their youth do?

Erection problems in men are considered as an issue that concerns him exclusively affecting his good sexual performance and family life, however, male sexual disorders such as erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation could be overcome more easily if you have the emotional support of the couple.

“These disorders usually occur with a higher incidence in men of 40 years and only 20% go to a specialist. The most common reaction of men suffering from the disease is to deny it out of fear of shame, trusting that the problem will resolve itself, affecting their relationship, as they will begin to blame it for not feeling interested, becoming part of the problem and not in a help, “says Dr. P K Gupta, Best Sexologist in Delhi.

The main causes of sexual dysfunction are due to organic factors, however, the aggressive position of the couple before a sexual disorder worsens the situation making it a psychological problem, therefore, as soon as any anomaly is detected it is important that together they go to an expert, to evaluate what type of treatment should be followed.

Most men live worried about their manhood and failing in erections is seen as a blow to their masculinity. Sometimes, when the dysfunction occurs in men of advanced age, the problem seems to be much less than if it occurs in a man who is in his 20 or 30 years.

The young person and the young adult worry if they see that this happens to them frequently, because they are not “old” enough to lose their virility. However, there are several factors that influence whether this happens or that it is repeated frequently.

Dr. Gupta, Sexologist in Delhi shares some of the most frequent concerns of young people when erectile dysfunction touches their lives.

What happens when the problem occurs in young people, why it happens and how to handle it? 

In those ages “virility” is something that usually worries a lot and this is a disorder that is largely associated with older men.

The majority of cases in young patients are associated with psychological factors such as stress and anxiety about their sexual performance. However, it must be ruled out that there is no major physical problem, which is why it is always recommended to consult an expert sex doctor in Delhi.

How do you explain that you can have a good erection but at any moment this is lost?

When a person usually has good erections and these are lost in specific occasions there may be a behavioral or psychological factor associated as for example, problems of a couple, lack of adequate stimulation or monotony in sexual life. Although the doctor insists that physical factors should always be ruled out as a venous leak, among others.

What psychological factors can influence erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction in more than 90% of cases has a basic physical / organic factor that must be detected and treated. Any case of dysfunction is usually associated with psychological factors that can be worsened in greater or lesser amounts by factors such as work stress, anxiety to achieve a good sexual performance, couple problems, feelings of guilt associated with relationships outside the stable and low partner. self-esteem.

Many men feel recriminated by their partner when the relationships are not satisfactory because of erectile dysfunction. This is why it is recommended that couples support each other and make an early consultation to not let this condition advance.

What to do when the preoccupation of having a good erection precisely does not allow having it?

The ideal for these cases is integral management that includes: drugs that support the quality of the erection and psychotherapeutic support that allows improving the basic condition.

According to studies, the prevalence of the disease from 40 years is up to 40%, so the probability of suffering some degree of dysfunction increases with the passage of time.

The sex specialist in Delhi also offers some strategies for couples to successfully face erectile dysfunction.

Conquer each other: a romantic dinner or a trip to a hotel for a night without children can be good ideas.

Face the problem in dialogue with your partner: It is useless to ignore the issue, in this situation communication is key and should try to be as honest as possible to be able to find the most appropriate solution. Do not look for culprits, this can generate greater rejection. It is better to face the issue as a couple.

Change the sexual routine: Over the years the tendency of many couples is to fall into routine and boredom making contact with your partner in an obligation more than satisfaction.

Look for a solution as soon as possible: Like everything in health, sexual problems should be corrected or treated as soon as possible. In most cases when a sexual dysfunction arises and is not treated, it tends to get worse, making it harder to treat and heal.