libido disorder
libido disorder

Libido – Disorders, Reduction, Elevation, Ways To Stimulate

Libido keeps many people awake at night. Is it not disturbed by any chance? What to do to change its level? What factors can influence libido? You will find the answers to all these questions below.

What is libido?

Libido is otherwise known as sex drive. This term was first introduced by Sigmund Freud, who used it to describe life energy understood as sexual energy. Today, in the popular sense, this term is simply a mental sexual arousal aimed at satisfying the body’s needs.

Factors influencing libido

Many myths have arisen about the factors influencing libido. Instead of buying “magic drugs” from the internet, it’s better to find out what actually drives our sex drive. This knowledge will avoid a lot of frustration.

Libido is primarily controlled by endogenous factors. Its regulation takes place mainly in the mesolimbic domapinergic pathway. This means that libido is regulated by the presence of substances in the body such as dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine, noradrenaline, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone or oxytocin. In other words – libido is in many cases pure chemistry.

In women, libido is closely related to the menstrual cycle. Women experience the greatest sex drive a few days before ovulation, which is when they are most fertile. It is also natural to reduce libido as a result of menopause, because the level of estrogen in a woman’s body drops drastically.

Psychological and social factors are also important. Childhood trauma can cause permanent libido disorders. However, it should be remembered that depression or even short-term stress can also result in the loss of sex drive.

Lifestyle also has a huge impact on libido. Research shows that low physical activity, alcohol consumption and smoking significantly reduce libido. Some pharmaceuticals, including hormonal contraception, have a similar effect. Some diseases, such as anemia, can also cause a decrease in libido.

Libido disorders

Libido disorders can manifest themselves in both increased and decreased sex drive. In the first case, we are talking about hypersexuality (nymphomania and satirism), and in the second – about hypolibidemia. These disorders are difficult to diagnose because libido standards cannot be clearly defined.

How to increase libido?

If we have the impression that our libido is unnaturally low, sexologist in Delhi recommend finding the cause of this condition first. Lowered libido is often the result of stress, exhaustion and insufficient sleep. If you take care of these factors, eliminate stimulants, take care of a proper diet and physical activity. Also check that the drugs you are taking do not lower your libido. If, despite these efforts, the drive does not change, it is worth consulting a sex specialist in Delhi to look for the cause in the body. You may be suffering from a hormonal imbalance, anemia, or some other illness.

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