Monthly Archives: December 2019

Lack of Sexual Desire

Lack of Sexual Desire

Doctor, I don’t feel like having sex with my partner. She is young and attractive but I don’t know what is wrong with me.
I am worried and my partner even more.

These words taken from a query are much more common than it might seem to us and represent a social and couple stigma. In a study conducted in 374 men with a mean age of 48.8 years, 30% had a lack of sexual desire. Of these, 47% also had an erectile dysfunction disorder

What do we understand by lack of desire?

It would be the absence of sexual fantasies and sexual activity that causes great anguish and a disorder in the couple’s relationship; It should not be due to a major mental disorder (except other sexual dysfunction), and it’s not solely due to the effects of a substance or a general medical condition.

The main problem with this definition is that the concept of sexual desire is not yet well defined in the current literature and is based on the traditional model of human sexual response derived from Masters & Johnson and Helen Singer Kaplan.

To begin with, we must be careful to distinguish whether the disorder has always been present, or is recent. If it is presented with any couple or only with one.

Sexual desire is the result of positive interaction between internal cognitive processes (thoughts, fantasy, and imagination), neurophysiological mechanisms (central arousal), and affective components (emotional state), although the biological basis remains almost unknown in humans.

Some hormones such as prolactin, estrogens, cortisol, and in particular testosterone modulate sexual desire, acting on androgen receptors that are present in different areas of the human brain.

The causes of the lack of desire would be determined by biological and psychological factors and relationship problems.

We must emphasize that hypogonadism is a cause of lack of desire, as well as hyperprolactinemia.

Hypothyroidism is another endocrine condition associated with the lack of male desire, in addition to several categories of medications such as Antidepressants, Antipsychotics, Lithium, Antiepileptic, Clonidine, Reserpine, opiates.

What to do in the face of a lack of desire?

The first thing to do is go to a sexologist in Delhi who will conduct a complete medical history in addition to a rigorous physical examination. You will see a possible decrease in testicular and prostate size that makes us suspect hypogonadism. Lack of desire is sometimes the only symptom of a prolactin-secreting pituitary adenoma. Other symptoms such as gynecomastia and galactorrhoea. A hormonal problem must be ruled out, measuring Testosterone, Prolactin, and TSH, or even other tests whenever a systemic disease is suspected.

libido disorder

Libido – Disorders, Reduction, Elevation, Ways To Stimulate

Libido keeps many people awake at night. Is it not disturbed by any chance? What to do to change its level? What factors can influence libido? You will find the answers to all these questions below.

What is libido?

Libido is otherwise known as sex drive. This term was first introduced by Sigmund Freud, who used it to describe life energy understood as sexual energy. Today, in the popular sense, this term is simply a mental sexual arousal aimed at satisfying the body’s needs.

Factors influencing libido

Many myths have arisen about the factors influencing libido. Instead of buying “magic drugs” from the internet, it’s better to find out what actually drives our sex drive. This knowledge will avoid a lot of frustration.

Libido is primarily controlled by endogenous factors. Its regulation takes place mainly in the mesolimbic domapinergic pathway. This means that libido is regulated by the presence of substances in the body such as dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine, noradrenaline, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone or oxytocin. In other words – libido is in many cases pure chemistry.

In women, libido is closely related to the menstrual cycle. Women experience the greatest sex drive a few days before ovulation, which is when they are most fertile. It is also natural to reduce libido as a result of menopause, because the level of estrogen in a woman’s body drops drastically.

Psychological and social factors are also important. Childhood trauma can cause permanent libido disorders. However, it should be remembered that depression or even short-term stress can also result in the loss of sex drive.

Lifestyle also has a huge impact on libido. Research shows that low physical activity, alcohol consumption and smoking significantly reduce libido. Some pharmaceuticals, including hormonal contraception, have a similar effect. Some diseases, such as anemia, can also cause a decrease in libido.

Libido disorders

Libido disorders can manifest themselves in both increased and decreased sex drive. In the first case, we are talking about hypersexuality (nymphomania and satirism), and in the second – about hypolibidemia. These disorders are difficult to diagnose because libido standards cannot be clearly defined.

How to increase libido?

If we have the impression that our libido is unnaturally low, sexologist in Delhi recommend finding the cause of this condition first. Lowered libido is often the result of stress, exhaustion and insufficient sleep. If you take care of these factors, eliminate stimulants, take care of a proper diet and physical activity. Also check that the drugs you are taking do not lower your libido. If, despite these efforts, the drive does not change, it is worth consulting a sex specialist in Delhi to look for the cause in the body. You may be suffering from a hormonal imbalance, anemia, or some other illness.

premature ejaculation

How to Extend Intercourse?

Wondering how to prolong your intercourse could mean you are dealing with premature ejaculation. It is a common condition of men at different stages of life, but it is reassuring – you can fight it effectively.

Premature ejaculation is the most common male sexual disorder – according to the available data, 28% suffer from it. Premature ejaculation occurs when ejaculation occurs within the first two minutes of intercourse. The causes of this ailment may be different. In adolescence, it results mainly from a hormonal storm, in adulthood it is most often caused by health problems. So, both hypertension, prostate diseases, prostatitis, too frequent masturbation, as well as prolonged sexual abstinence, can result in premature ejaculation.

Risk factors are also: smoking, alcohol or other intoxicating substances, stress and feeling insecure. According to the best sexologist in Delhi, ejaculation is present in over 90 percent. from the psyche, therefore, in premature ejaculation treatment in Delhi, great emphasis is placed on a positive attitude.

How to extend intercourse?

There are many ways to deal with premature ejaculation in the forum, but it’s good to be vigilant. To avoid the use of often dangerous methods, below you can find some proven, effective and safe solutions.

APE method

One of the most popular exercise methods recently to prolong intercourse is APE – a set of exercises and tips based on natural behavior. When deciding on this method, you need to remember about regular, preferably daily, at least half an hour of exercise.

The three finger technique

Another helpful method is the perineal compression technique, also known as the three-finger technique, known for over 5,000 years. To do it correctly, you need to press three fingers on the point between the testicles and the anus (in the central part of the perineum) and wait for the excitement to fall – using this method can extend the intercourse by up to several minutes.

Kegel exercises

Regular Kegel training is another highly effective method. Strongly trained, these muscles allow a man to control his reactions and thus prolong intercourse. To achieve the desired effect, you need to perform 30 series of quick contractions and relaxation of the pelvic floor, and then perform several series of long, minimum 10-second contractions. Such exercises should be repeated in the morning and evening, and their duration should be extended every week.

STOP and GO method

Another popular technique is the STOP and GO method recommended mainly by sexologist doctor in Delhi. It is characterized by simplicity of implementation and high efficiency and consists in stopping penetration a moment before orgasm to take care of the partner. Simply put, it is an interweaving of intercourse with other forms of sex that can extend your penetration time up to two times. According to this technique, sexual intercourse can only be resumed after the erection has slightly subsided.

9 thrust technique

To properly perform this prolonged intercourse exercise, the partner should count the cycles of shallow and deep thrusts performed without leaving the partner. Please adhere to the following rule:

  1. 9 shallow vs. 1 deep thrusts
  2. 8 shallow to 2 deep thrusts
  3. 7 shallow to 3 deep and so on from 1 shallow to 9 deep.

Shallow thrusts should be done at a moderate pace and deep thrusts quickly and decisively. After the first series, you can take a break (without interrupting the penetration, however) and then move on to the next one.

Pills to prolong intercourse

The above manual methods are very effective, but if they are not enough, it is worth getting pharmacological agents. Tablets for prolonging the intercourse available in pharmacies (it is better to avoid agents from uncertain sources) should be treated as a last resort.

Both exercises and pills help to prolong intercourse, so everyone can find the best method for themselves to deal with this embarrassing but common problem.