Tag Archives: Sexual Impotence

sexual impotence

Virtual Pornography And Sexual Impotence

The way in which pornography is consumed has changed a lot in recent years and this phenomenon has caused problems in the sexual life of men. In the very near past, only people over 18 could buy men’s magazines at newsstands or could rent pornographic videos from video stores. This made access very limited. And this was a good thing because it was just a stimulating material and did no harm to a couple’s sex life.

Today, in just one click, we have access to free porn content inside the house. As the saying goes, the difference between the medicine and the poison is in the dose. Thus, the excessive consumption of virtual pornography has produced sexual impotence, predominantly, in young people aged 18 to 30 years. Until recently, men who had problems with sexual dysfunction were older, in their 50s, and this problem was mostly associated with issues of an organic nature such as hormonal changes, diabetes, coronary heart disease, smoking, excess alcohol, multiple sclerosis. Today’s patients are men aged 18 to 30 who have no organic causes related to their sexual impotence. What would be happening to the sexual health of these boys?

Several studies have correlated the above with the overuse of online pornography by young people. They are much more susceptible to developing an addiction to virtual material of a sexual nature quickly. It is common for them to watch porn videos several times a day and masturbate before the scenes presented. Over time, those scenes no longer stimulate them and they start looking for more exaggerated content to achieve an erection.

The big question is that normal life is very different from virtual life and, even though these men are attracted to their partners and feel the desire to have sex with them, they are not able to get aroused and / or maintain an erection, because their brain has become addicted in erotic content typical of the world of virtual pornography and is no longer excited by real life, much less sophisticated than the sexual life presented on the web.

Online pornography increases the sensitivity to pornographic stimuli and reduces the sensitivity to normal sexual stimuli in the brain. Our sexual behavior activates the same brain circuit (reward system) as addictive substances, such as cocaine, with online pornography being a particularly strong stimulus for this circuit that develops recurring behaviors as a result of a self-reinforcing activity. That is, the more virtual pornography the subject consumes, the more his brain is activated, stimulated, excited, and will want, more and more, bigger and stronger doses. Thus, watching pornography on the internet in a systematic way increases the person’s tolerance, the same as with alcohol and drug addicts,

If you identified with the text and realize that your consumption of virtual pornography is exaggerated and you have no control over it, or if you already have erection difficulties in a normal sexual relationship, but you are easily aroused by pornographic material on the internet, seek help from a specialized sexologist in Delhi, in case this is causing suffering for you or for those you love.

erectile dysfunction treatment in Delhi

6 Myths And Truths About Sexual Impotence

Sexual impotence is a very controversial issue in the male universe, as a man’s masculinity is often linked to his sexual organ. These are matters that should be discussed, explained and, whenever possible, deconstructed. This taboo can cause health and emotional problems that affect the quality of life.

Also called erectile dysfunction, the problem affects more than 70% of the male population over 50 years old. But this condition can also develop in younger men.

To find out more about this topic and what issues are involved around it, discover the myths and truths about sexual impotence.

What is sexual impotence?

Sexual impotence is characterized by the difficulty of maintaining an erection during sexual intercourse or even difficulty in achieving an erection even before intercourse.

Myths vs. truths

Can erectile dysfunction be caused by stress or emotional problems?

TRUTH. Technically, the brain needs to send signals to the body, more specifically, it needs to release nitric oxide, which is responsible for dilating the blood vessels that reach the penis.

When the vessels dilate, a large concentration of blood arrives and with that, the erection happens. When the person is stressed, anxious or nervous, this mechanism may not work.

When a man does not have a full erection it is already characterized as impotence.

TRUTH: Sexual impotence has several levels and degrees. At the lightest level, the man is able to penetrate and have sexual intercourse in a normal way but feels that the penis is not at its full rigidity.

Already in moderate to severe degrees, the man has difficulty maintaining his erection and also penetrating during sexual intercourse.

Over time, the milder condition may develop to moderate and severe. Therefore, medical help should always be sought at the slightest sign of sexual impotence, suggests sexologist in Delhi.

Diabetes increases the risk of erectile dysfunction.

TRUTH: Men with diabetes, for the most part, also have some degree of erectile dysfunction. That’s because diabetes is a disease that causes large amounts of sugar in the blood, hindering blood flow to the penis.

It is not a rule, but the chances are great.

The man failed once: ready, he already has erectile dysfunction.

MYTH: As already mentioned, sexual impotence can have a psychological origin and, if this issue is addressed, it is unlikely that the man will have problems again until he reaches old age.

Taking hormones can be a solution to erectile dysfunction.

MYTH: Testosterone is not directly linked to the problem of erectile dysfunction. Many men use hormones thinking that this will solve the problem. It is a great myth. It does not solve it, and it can complicate life even more, as it is a load of hormones that your body does not need.

Vasectomy can cause sexual impotence.

MYTH: Vasectomy surgery prevents the path that sperm takes to exit the penis. It has nothing to do with erectile dysfunction.

Want to know more? I am available to answer any questions you may have and I will be very happy to answer your comments on this matter. Read other articles and learn more about my work as a sex specialist in Delhi!