Tag Archives: premature ejaculation

premature ejaculation

How to Extend Intercourse?

Wondering how to prolong your intercourse could mean you are dealing with premature ejaculation. It is a common condition of men at different stages of life, but it is reassuring – you can fight it effectively.

Premature ejaculation is the most common male sexual disorder – according to the available data, 28% suffer from it. Premature ejaculation occurs when ejaculation occurs within the first two minutes of intercourse. The causes of this ailment may be different. In adolescence, it results mainly from a hormonal storm, in adulthood it is most often caused by health problems. So, both hypertension, prostate diseases, prostatitis, too frequent masturbation, as well as prolonged sexual abstinence, can result in premature ejaculation.

Risk factors are also: smoking, alcohol or other intoxicating substances, stress and feeling insecure. According to the best sexologist in Delhi, ejaculation is present in over 90 percent. from the psyche, therefore, in premature ejaculation treatment in Delhi, great emphasis is placed on a positive attitude.

How to extend intercourse?

There are many ways to deal with premature ejaculation in the forum, but it’s good to be vigilant. To avoid the use of often dangerous methods, below you can find some proven, effective and safe solutions.

APE method

One of the most popular exercise methods recently to prolong intercourse is APE – a set of exercises and tips based on natural behavior. When deciding on this method, you need to remember about regular, preferably daily, at least half an hour of exercise.

The three finger technique

Another helpful method is the perineal compression technique, also known as the three-finger technique, known for over 5,000 years. To do it correctly, you need to press three fingers on the point between the testicles and the anus (in the central part of the perineum) and wait for the excitement to fall – using this method can extend the intercourse by up to several minutes.

Kegel exercises

Regular Kegel training is another highly effective method. Strongly trained, these muscles allow a man to control his reactions and thus prolong intercourse. To achieve the desired effect, you need to perform 30 series of quick contractions and relaxation of the pelvic floor, and then perform several series of long, minimum 10-second contractions. Such exercises should be repeated in the morning and evening, and their duration should be extended every week.

STOP and GO method

Another popular technique is the STOP and GO method recommended mainly by sexologist doctor in Delhi. It is characterized by simplicity of implementation and high efficiency and consists in stopping penetration a moment before orgasm to take care of the partner. Simply put, it is an interweaving of intercourse with other forms of sex that can extend your penetration time up to two times. According to this technique, sexual intercourse can only be resumed after the erection has slightly subsided.

9 thrust technique

To properly perform this prolonged intercourse exercise, the partner should count the cycles of shallow and deep thrusts performed without leaving the partner. Please adhere to the following rule:

  1. 9 shallow vs. 1 deep thrusts
  2. 8 shallow to 2 deep thrusts
  3. 7 shallow to 3 deep and so on from 1 shallow to 9 deep.

Shallow thrusts should be done at a moderate pace and deep thrusts quickly and decisively. After the first series, you can take a break (without interrupting the penetration, however) and then move on to the next one.

Pills to prolong intercourse

The above manual methods are very effective, but if they are not enough, it is worth getting pharmacological agents. Tablets for prolonging the intercourse available in pharmacies (it is better to avoid agents from uncertain sources) should be treated as a last resort.

Both exercises and pills help to prolong intercourse, so everyone can find the best method for themselves to deal with this embarrassing but common problem.

premature ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation, Partner Perception

When we talk about premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and other sexual problems, we generally think of them from an individual perspective: the man’s anxiety, his masturbation methods, some trauma in his sexual history, or his failed methods of controlling arousal. However, it is difficult for us to incorporate the gaze of the couple that, from a systematic thought, is part of the problem as well as the solution.

A study that conducted online surveys of 1,463 women with an age range between 20 and 50 years, shows a direct relationship between the perception of premature ejaculation and satisfaction with the relationship of the couple and sexual life. The negative stress that occurs in women as a result of the short time that elapses between penetration and ejaculation of the man, is also a cause of the breakdown of the couple’s relationship.

The conclusions of the aforementioned study are found in an article published in 2014 by the Journal of Sexual Medicine, entitled The perception of premature ejaculation by women and its impact on the breakdown of the relationship, quality of the relationship and sexual satisfaction. Considering that studies have always focused on the impact of premature ejaculation in men, the information contained in this article is very original and quite valuable.

In the research that –as we saw- studies women from very different cultures, several instruments were used such as the Index of Female Sexual Function, the Female Sexual -Distress Scale, the Couple Relationship Assessment Scale, and other questionnaires.

Some of the most important conclusions are:

  • In women who considered the control of their partner’s ejaculation as very important or extremely important (40% of them), the negative stress associated with premature ejaculation increased. This occurs as a consequence not only of the short duration of intercourse , but also because of the little attention that their partners paid to other sexual needs such as caresses or kisses.
  • A high percentage of female partners of men with premature ejaculation had at least one sexual problem such as loss of desire (49.8%) or sexual dissatisfaction (41.3%). In two thirds of them, the sexual problem did not exist before the start of the current relationship.
  • Almost a quarter of the women surveyed revealed that a man’s premature ejaculation problem had previously led to the breakdown of relationships. The more important the duration of sexual intercourse for a woman, the more likely she is to be motivated to end her relationship with a man who suffers from premature ejaculation.
  • A quarter of the women surveyed indicated that their sexual dissatisfaction was the consequence of their partner paying more attention to the sexual problem than to the erotic relationship, losing the ability to create different sexual games and falling into monotony.

Definitely, when we treat premature ejaculation we must include the couple – as far as possible – since this intervention will give us more chances of success and effectiveness. If we listen to the couple, we inform them about the characteristics of the problem and the treatment and we explain how they can collaborate and be part of the process, we will be able to reduce their psychological discomfort and, indirectly, take the pressure off the man with premature ejaculation. On the other hand, as professionals sexologist in Delhi should not focus only on prolonging the times of intercourse, but also on the erotic enrichment of the couple, stimulating variants in their sexual scripts.

premature ejaculation treatment in Delhi


Premature ejaculation is one of the most common sexological problems in the general population. This condition affects various age groups and does not always lead to a health problem. It is estimated that 30% of the male population suffers from chronic premature ejaculation. One of the most common doubts among men is the existence of an effective premature ejaculation treatment in Delhi. In this post, we explain what this ejaculation disorder consists of and how to deal with it.

When is a man considered to have premature ejaculation?

As its name suggests, premature ejaculation is nothing more than experiencing orgasm and ejaculation earlier than unintended and desired by the male. This means that it can occur as soon as sexual intercourse begins.

Generally speaking, premature ejaculation can happen to any man at any time in his life. In fact, according to statistics, 1 in 3 men has ever experienced this situation. Does this mean that all men have premature ejaculation as a sexological problem? Not.

Although premature ejaculation can happen to any male, it is not considered a sexual problem. Premature ejaculation is considered a problem when it happens regularly, that is, very often. Ejaculation is considered premature when it occurs before the period of one minute from the beginning of sexual intercourse.

Treatment of premature ejaculation

If you consider that you have symptoms of premature ejaculation and want to diagnose it properly and treat it to solve your problem, you should go to a sex specialist in Delhi. The sexologist in Delhi is the right person to determine if you really have premature ejaculation and, above all, to find the cause that causes it.

The premature ejaculation treatment can be very different depending on the cause of the problem. This alteration of male ejaculation can be generated by various causes, among which are:

  • Psychological causes that refer to feelings and emotions that prevent the patient from maintaining a complete and satisfactory sexual relationship. In this area, self-esteem, guilt, and situations of anxiety and stress often play a fundamental role. Regarding these causes, treatment to solve premature ejaculation should be associated with a visit to a sexologist in Delhi. This specialist will help the patient to solve her problem to enjoy her intimate life normally.
  • Physiological causes. These types of causes are those that are really considered medical, that is, they are organic causes. In other words, they are health problems that affect male ejaculation. The organic causes are many and varied such as:
    • Chronic prostatitis.
    • The administration of certain drugs.
    • Neurological diseases.
    • Thyroid problems.

However, despite the fact that organic causes have a specific diagnosis and treatment, the truth is that they are usually treated in a complementary way with psychological treatment. In this case, it is about going to the best sexologist in Delhi to help in the treatment. This is because premature ejaculation is a problem that greatly affects the self-esteem of patients and, therefore, their mood and their life in general.

For this reason, it is important that premature ejaculation treatment in Delhi is comprehensive to achieve a definitive solution. At sexologist clinic in Delhi, we have an interdisciplinary team that can help you if premature ejaculation is your problem. We have the best sexologist in Delhi. If you need it, do not hesitate to contact us and we will help you improve your sex life.


Extend Duration: Control Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation (PE) occurs when a man ejaculates (comes) too quickly during intercourse. Often, men with premature ejaculation find it difficult to hold back long enough for their partners to reach orgasm. This sometimes leads to sexual dissatisfaction, tensions in the relationship, and a feeling of shame or anxiety. However, if you or your partner are suffering from premature ejaculation (PE), you are not alone. Between 30 and 70% of men have premature ejaculation; it is the most common sexual problem in men.

Why does PE happen? The exact cause is not known. In most cases, it is believed to be psychological, but new information suggests that it may also have a physiological aspect. PE is more common in younger men.

Only between 1 and 12% of men with PE are considering premature ejaculation treatment in Delhi. But PE can be treated and here’s how.

Techniques to try at home (used alone or in combination):

  • The pressure technique: when the man is about to ejaculate, his partner exerts strong and rapid pressure on the tip of his penis to prevent ejaculation. Do not attempt this exercise after ejaculation has started.
  • The stop & go technique: just when the man is about to ejaculate, he and his partner stop moving and the man tries to relax to control his ejaculation. The break allows the man to become more aware of his sensations just before ejaculation. Eventually, this will help him condition his response to sexual stimulation so that he can wait longer.

Don’t worry if these techniques don’t work immediately; weeks of practice are sometimes necessary to master them. You may wish to consult a sexologist in Delhi to help you manage them. A sex specialist in Delhi may be able to help you with personal or couple problems.

If you’ve tried all of these techniques and they don’t seem to be working, it’s probably time to see a sexologist in Delhi who can suggest other treatments, such as counseling or medication. Currently, in India, there are few drugs approved to treat PE; however, some are being studied: topical anesthetics (to numb the penis in the hope of delaying ejaculation), SSRIs (a type of depression medication that is believed to block the brain chemicals responsible for ejaculation), certain tricyclic antidepressants and pain medications, and PDE-5 inhibitors (better known as sildenafil [Viagra ® ], tadalafil [Cialis ® ].


4 Methods To Delay Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation can be the source of many anxieties in men and many problems within the couple. Is there a way to control it? Yes, and here we provide you with 4 methods to delay premature ejaculation and make the pleasure last.

Understanding premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a taboo sexual problem in men, although very common. It is characterized by an inability to retain its excitement, which causes a very rapid ejaculation shortening the sexual intercourse, and thus making it unfortunately quite unsatisfactory, from the point of view of both the woman and the man.

Men characterized as early ejaculators often have little confidence in themselves, and especially in their ability to satisfy a woman. The problem is therefore to be taken with tweezers when talking about them. It can be a lack of experience, too much stress, or a physical problem.

Despite everything, you should know that premature ejaculation is not inevitable, and that it is quite possible to find tips to defuse this erection problem.

Delay premature ejaculation by talking and trying again

Regulating premature ejaculation is done little by little. It is necessary to put your partner in confidence, without putting pressure on him for the desire to be satisfied, and above all by reassuring him. The woman must be able to speak about it without dramatizing the situation so that her partner feels supported.

Dialogue is essential, without which man could well amplify the importance you attach to it, and be blocked for the rest. You can go see a sexologist in Delhi to talk about it.

Making love more often, and especially several times in a row makes it possible in particular to prolong the sexual act and to obtain a more controlled ejaculation.

When your partner sees that it can last longer than he thought, it will probably help him gain more self-confidence.

Delay premature ejaculation with two little tips

Certain tricks can allow the man to learn to control a little better his ejaculation, and thus to prolong his pleasure and that of his partner. The “stop and go” technique, as it is called in America, consists of masturbating while stopping completely when you feel that ejaculation is very close.

This technique allows the man to know himself better, and over time, to use during the sexual act the sensations he has tamed.

Another tip, the “squeeze”. This involves squeezing the base of the penis, which is near the glans, very tightly with his index finger and thumb, so as to cause a physical reaction: a decrease in blood flow, capable of delaying ejaculation.

You can very well mix these four methods, or choose only your favorite: don’t forget that trying is the best way to get there!


Premature Ejaculation: What Consequences For Women?

Men generally report suffering from this situation. What about their partners? An original international study, led by a Swiss specialist, sought to answer them.

Premature ejaculation is characterized by ejaculation occurring after slight sexual stimulation and before the desired time. Sexologists in Delhi speak of a “male sexual dysfunction characterized by ejaculation which, always or almost always, occurs before or around the minute of vaginal penetration; the inability to delay ejaculation during all or almost all vaginal penetrations; and by negative individual consequences such as distress, worry, frustration and/or avoidance of sexual intimacy ”. Other specialists speak of ejaculation “in less than two minutes and in less than twenty movements back and forth in the vagina”.

Studies show that most men don’t have a clear idea of ​​what the “normal” delay before ejaculation may be. The few works carried out on this subject estimate, in practice, between five and six minutes the average time between the beginning of penetration and ejaculation.

Stress and anxiety

Premature ejaculation is most often associated with psychological elements such as stress and anxiety. Torque problems can also be found at variable frequency. This sexual dysfunction often represents a source of suffering for the men concerned. But what about women? A large survey in different countries has sought to answer this question. His results have just been published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. They confirm in their own way that sexual satisfaction is an essential condition for the quality of the relationship and the sustainability of the couple.

Directed by Dr Andrea Burri  (Institute of Psychology, University of Zurich), the study brought together specialists from the University of Versailles-Saint Quentin en Yvelines, the Australian Center for Sexual Health (Sydney) and a center of Hamburg Sexual Medicine. It was conducted with 1,463 women aged 20 to 50 (average 34 years) living in Mexico, Italy and South Korea.

Source of suffering

The questions asked were: “Are you currently with a man who ejaculates earlier than you want?”; “Do you currently live with a man who has been diagnosed with premature ejaculation?”; “Do you currently live with a man who ejaculates most often less than two minutes after penetration?”; “Has your current partner ever reported a desire to have better control over his ejaculation?”

Analysis of the results provides various lessons. It thus appears that almost 40% of women consider that the control of ejaculation by their partner is a very important element, an absence of control can be a source of suffering. Almost two-thirds of women say that their partner has already expressed the desire to have better control over their ejaculation. Just over half of the women surveyed said they live with a partner who often ejaculates sooner than they would like. They are less than 10% to report being with a man in whom the diagnosis of premature ejaculation has been made.

About twenty minutes

More generally, one in two women explains that they are not sexually satisfied. It can be a libido deemed too low or dissatisfaction felt during sexual intercourse. Among dissatisfied women, three-quarters report premature ejaculation from their partner as one of the causes. Finally, when we ask all women what they think is the ideal duration of sexual intercourse, excluding foreplay, the average response is around twenty minutes.

But it appears above all that women complain more frequently of the general lack of attention from their partner concerning foreplay, kisses, and caresses in particular, than of the short time between penetration and ejaculation.