Tag Archives: sexual dysfunction


What consequences does depression have on sexuality?

Depression is believed to promote many problems related to desire, libido and couple relationships. Conversely, sexual dysfunctions could lead to a depressive state. So why, how and what to do? Answers from a sexologist in Delhi.

Almost one in five people have suffered or will suffer from depression in their lifetime (source 1). A frequent pathology which also greatly affects sexuality. This is confirmed by the best sexologist in Delhi: “Depressive states induce a decrease in libido, excitement, frequency of intercourse, even anorgasmia or even anejaculation. Inevitably, all of this also has implications for the couple. How to manage these complex relationships between sex and depression?

Does depression have an impact on libido and why?

First, there are several types of depression: chronic, acute, that which we will call “normal” or “reactive”, for example in the event of mourning, separation, etc. For each of them, there are still several states. But in any case, these are times when the mood is affected and therefore necessarily the libido is affected.

Sexuality is neglected because psychic life is focused on something else. To have a sex life, there must be an entanglement of the life drive and the death drive. However, in the case of depression, death drives generally dominate.

In addition, in addition to their pathology, some people suffer from the effects of their treatment, since antidepressants are well known for inhibiting libido.

Why do antidepressants inhibit libido?

These drugs are intended to stabilize the mood, they act on the neurotransmitters which control the latter (dopamine, serotonin). Assuming that there is a libido peak, it will, therefore, be limited, regulated by the treatment. It is therefore also for this reason that sexual relations drop in case of drug treatment.

Why limit desire?

To avoid suicides: if I don’t climb too high, I don’t fall too low either. It is a story of balance.

According to sexologist in Delhi, if it seems that treatments that do not alter sexuality are about to tip the tip of the capsule, some others could cause spontaneous orgasms, even trigger hypersexuality.

On the contrary, can we be more focused on the question?

Yes. Even if it is rarer, it can happen to have compulsive behaviours with sexuality. That is to say that in order not to fall into depression, one increases sexual relations (alone or in pairs). The objective is to make “shots” of serotonin through the enjoyment, in order to compensate for a latent depressive state.

Can sexual disorders cause or worsen depression?

Having sexual problems can also affect mood, as it will attack self-esteem and create doubt. Idem when, in a couple, the communication does not pass any more or that one speaks little. These successive disappointments can lead to something like depression. But again, it is rarer in this sense.

What to do to regain the desire? Which drugs to take?

Before seeing a doctor and taking medication, you must make an appointment with a sexologist in Delhi, in order to start sex therapy. Verbalizing your problem with someone neutral is the first step towards healing.

Sexologist in Delhi also suggests associating practices around the body: physical activity, massage, etc. Finding activities to discover or rediscover a pleasure is often a good option.

What to do when you live with a depressed person?

Support the spouse in their care, even if it means doing couple therapy in the first place. Regarding sexuality, it is about going through tender tactile moments that are not necessarily sexual, in order to help his partner to reconnect to his bodily pleasure, to let desire re-emerge in the body. Finally, it takes … patience. It’s a moment to pass in a lifetime.