male sexual response


The human sexual response refers to the process of reaction of the mind and body to a stimulus of a sexual nature. It is a sequence divided into stages (desire, arousal, plateau, orgasm  and resolution) that, in general, is expressed differently in men and women. While the male sexual response follows a fixed pattern, as we will see later, in women, these stages do not necessarily follow the same pattern, says sexologist in Delhi.



This stage occurs at the mental level. Certain thoughts, feelings and/or sensations awaken some type of sexual impulse, which causes the desire or the need to seek pleasure.

The stimuli that generate this sexual desire can be very varied and range from a simple touch to a simple smell or sound.

During this phase there are no obvious physiological changes in man.


As part of the male sexual response to the previous stage of desire, the body induces the release of hormones and pheromones and certain physical and psychological changes take place.

On the one hand, on a psychological level, this phase is characterized by a growing increase in pleasurable sensations .

On the other hand, on a physical level, great changes begin to take place:

  • skin blushes
  • The penis hardens, producing an erection
  • There is a thickening of the scrotum and elevation of the testicles
  • Cowper’s glands produce precum to promote lubrication
  • erection of the nipples

Of course, if the level of desire is high, the arousal stage will occur faster and more intenselyIf the desire is otherwise low, the arousal may not be enough for the next phases of sexual response to continue to develop.


In the plateau stage, arousal is intensified and maintained through physical stimulation of the erogenous zones and penetration as well as psychological stimulation.

The plateau phase predisposes to the next stage (orgasm) of male sexual response and lasts indefinitely since it depends almost entirely on those involved in the sexual relationship. Often, this phase is extended intentionally seeking to build up as much sexual tension as possible, which tends to intensify the next phase.

Both psychological and physiological changes occur in this stage:

  • endorphin release
  • Increased heart rate and breathing
  • increased blood pressure
  • Enlargement of the penis (it will reach its maximum size and thickness just moments before orgasm)
  • Limb Darkening
  • Increased size of the testicles
  • Increased secretion of Cowper’s glands
  • Feeling of pressure and internal heat
  • Muscle tension

At this time between phases, there are also muscular contractions of special intensity (in the urethra, anus, prostate and seminal vesicles) to cause ejaculation.


When arousal reaches its peak, the male sexual response triggers the penultimate phase and the shortest of all: orgasm.

In this final explosion, all the tension accumulated in the plateau phase is released and in which the brain releases an enormous load of endorphins that intensify the sensation of pleasure. At the physical level, the following events occur:

  • Contractions in the urethra and penis (sensation of inevitability of ejaculation or what is the same: that orgasm is inevitable and imminent)
  • Contractions of the anus, prostate, and seminal vesicles that induce ejaculation
  • Sensation of heat in the urethra as semen comes out of it


Once the orgasm has passed, the man enters the resolution phase. During this stage, the genital organs and muscles relax, returning to their previous state (before the desire phase).

Psychologically, there is a general feeling of well-being and relaxation.


This would be the last stage of the sexual response in men and that does not occur in women.

During ejaculation, men release a cocktail of brain chemicals including norepinephrine, serotonin, oxytocin, vasopressin, nitric oxide, and prolactin. It is the latter that is responsible for repressing dopamine, thus reducing desire and increasing drowsiness and the sensation of sexual satisfaction.

During the refractory period phase, men cannot afford a new act of intercourse. It should be noted that the duration of this period varies greatly from one subject to another.